Herbs and Tea

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Romero, hojas de romero : Rosmarinus officinalis, Rosemary tea

Rosemary is an antioxidant, cleanser, antispasmodic, diuretic and antiseptic


Encino, Hojas de Encino, Hojas de encina, Hojas de roble : Oak leaves

ENCINO The oaks or oaks (Quercus spp.) Are used to treat more than 30 ailments, among them are toothache, gastritis, diabetes and inflammation.


Hojas de arandano, Te de arandano : bilberry leaf, blueberry leaves,Vaccinium myrti

Blueberries are useful for our eyesight and prevent degenerative eye diseases such as cataracts.


Hojas de ortiga, Ortiga, ortiga mayor, ortiga verde : Nettles, Urtica, Urtica dioca

Nettle is a highly nutritious food, it has diuretic properties, it helps to eliminate toxins, protect the stomach, eliminate bile and promote digestion.


Albahaca, Albaca, Hojas de albahaca : Ocimum basilicum

Serves to relieve an upset stomach, calms the nerves, helps fight insomnia, physical and mental fatigue


Abedul, Abedul birch,Te de abedul, abedul comun : Betula pendula, Birch, common birch, silver birch

Birch leaves are generally used, although sometimes also the bark, in the treatment of kidney diseases.


Mirto arrayán Hierba, Arrayán, Mirto, Murta : Murta Tea , Mirtus, Myrtus communis, Mexican Arrayan

Myrtle is a Mexican plant that is used in home remedies to relieve altered nerves, wash the eyes, contain vomit...


Borraja, Borraja Hierba, Te de Borraja : Borago officinalis

Borage flowers and leaves are considered diuretic, sudoriferous, purifying and anti-inflammatory, which is why it is used in fevers


Te de Poleo,

Pennyroyal is traditionally used in the treatment of digestive disorders such as flatulence...


Pinguica, Uva Ursi, fruta pinguica : Arctostaphylos, uva ursi fruit, Bearberry

The Penguin has analgesic properties that help calm headaches and migraines. It is good for relieving digestive pains.


Gymnema Silvestre, Insulina natural, Hierba Insulina : Gurma, Periploca of the Woods, Gymnema Tea

Gymnema sylvestre is known as sisvestre insulin because it is a sugar destroyer. 


Garañona, Garanona, Castilleja : Paintedcup herbs, tenuiflora, Painted cup Herb tea

The stallion is distinguished by its fascinating properties in activating the male libido.


Cascara Sagrada : Herbal laxative, colon cleanse suplement, Rhamnus purshiana D.C, Natural Flush Detox

Cascara sagrada is a much milder natural laxative than other natural laxatives and is used to treat constipation.


Zapote Blanco, cochizapote, zapote dulce, hojas de zapote : Casimiroa edulis, White Zapote, zapote leaf

On the other hand, the tea made from the leaves and seeds is very good for treating high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia and cramps.



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